Check out Dr. Puma's latest interview on The Breakfast Club, where he discusses The Sorin Heart Scan™ - a revolutionary diagnostic tool that could help you live longer. Click Here

Cardiac CT gaining popularity due to chest pain guidelines, cost savings

Cardiac CT gaining popularity due to chest pain guidelines, cost savings

Exciting developments in the world of cardiac imaging! Cardiac CT is rapidly gaining traction as a preferred method for chest pain guidelines, as highlighted by Dr. Martha Gulati. Dive into the details and understand the significance of this shift in the latest article from Cardiovascular Business. A must-read for all in the cardiology field!

Leveraging advanced CT technology, the Sorin Heart Scan™ is a game-changer in cardiac imaging. With an impressive >95% accuracy rate, it offers the most precise imaging available globally. Patients experience a swift 4-minute scan and receive same-day results from Sorin Cardiologists. This cutting-edge approach not only minimizes wait times but also reduces the need for further diagnostic procedures by at least 80%. Truly, the Sorin Heart Scan™ sets a new benchmark in cardiac care.

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